You can use the voice commands listed here within HyperSnap. If any problems, go to the Windows Control Panel and locate “Speech Recognition” or a similar icon.
t Click Configure Microphone… to adjust your volume levels and the other settings of your microphone.
t Then click the “Train” or “Train Profile…” button there, to train the speech recognition engine to recognize your voice better.
t Also try speaking more slowly and more clearly. Voice support is still a work in progress, and computers still require speech commands be delivered a bit more clearly and at a slower-speed than we humans do.
Be sure to use a high quality microphone. As with all current speech recognition technology, this one requires a respectable pause between all commands.
If you have an updated, faster computer, you will usually be able to speak commands faster. But if you have considerable background noise in your work area, your speech commands will be disrupted, despite a fast computer.
To use voice commands in HyperSnap:
Say Capture or Snap, (add “the”, if desired), then say one of the following:
· Full Screen
· Desktop
· Window
· Active Window
· Active Client
· Region or Rectangle
· Multi Region
· Pan Region or Move Region or Pan Rectangle or Move Rectangle
· Repeat
Drawing Tools Commands
Say Take or Get, (add “the”, if desired), then say one of the following:
· Line
· Pencil
Miscellaneous Commands
· Microphone off
· Activate or Restore (to restore and bring the HyperSnap window to the front)
· Minimize or Iconize (to send it to the system tray or task icon list)
· Maximize
· Help or What can I say? (displays brief help which has links to this file)
For users with physical limitations, speech technology offers new-found freedom and will allow many to use our program for the first time with relative ease.