Click this to change how HyperSnap shows its icon (either on the task bar or in the system tray area).
You can also set the program to start automatically with Windows, useful if you do a lot of screen captures.
Auto-Start with Windows
Check this to have HyperSnap add itself to the list of programs that load when Windows starts.
For all users of this computer option
Check this option to add HyperSnap to the auto-start list of all users of this computer. With this box cleared, the auto-start option affects only your user profile.
Usually, within Windows XP or 2000 you must be part of the Administrator user group to change this option.
Always start minimized
Check this to have HyperSnap start in “iconic” mode rather than showing a window. In addition, if program is set to display a tray icon rather than a taskbar icon, this sets the program to load into the system tray only, still ready for use.
Display system tray icon…
Check this to have HyperSnap display its icon in the Windows system tray. (The system tray is where the clock is located on the taskbar.) This makes the program less obtrusive, but always ready for use.
Remember, if you enable this, you’ll need to click its system tray icon to bring the program back. You may also right-click that icon for a menu of most often used functions.
Do not exit when clicked on …
Check this to set HyperSnap to stay in the system tray when you click the main window “close” button (the X in the upper right corner). If not, the program will completely exit when you click this button.
This allows you to hide the main window by using the X without closing the program. It’s always ready for use in your system tray (the area by the clock in the Windows task bar).
Number of most recent files on File menu
Use this to set the number of recently-used files will be shown on the right side of in the HyperSnap File tab. These are the files that you recently opened or saved with HyperSnap.
You must exit and restart HyperSnap program to activate this change.
Clear the recent files list…
Use this option to clear the “recent images” list under the File menu, either from the files that where already deleted or moved elsewhere, or completely clear the list from all files.