By default located at the top – left of the Title bar, the Quick Access Toolbar holds the tools used most often and placed where you can click them, regardless of the tab you’re using below.
The default list shows the following tools from left to right. (Most are also available as key combinations.)
Create a new image (Ctrl+N)
Open an existing document (Ctrl+O)
Save the active document with a new name (Ctrl+S)
Upload – opens a menu for several upload functions
Print the active document (Ctrl+P)
Copy the selections and put it on the clipboard (Ctrl+C)
Paste on the current image/insert clipboard contents on to the image (Ctrl+V)
This includes a down arrow for selecting where to paste.
Undo the last action (Ctrl+Z)
Redo the previously undone action/the last “undo” (Ctrl+Y)
The Customize Quick Access Toolbar icon and menu. Use it to add other tools to this toolbar or remove the default ones.
You can also place the toolbar below the ribbon or minimize the ribbon (described in the Tab Bar Tools section).