Font button
Click to display a standard Windows font selection box. This new font begins at the current cursor location. If you selected text prior to opening the font box, the program applies your font selection to the existing text as well as from the selected location.
Left-justify text
Click to left-justify the current text paragraph or the selected range of pre-existing text.
Center text
Click to center the current text paragraph or a previously-selected block of text.
Right-justify text
Click to right-justify the current text paragraph or a previously-selected block of text.
Bold, Italics and Underline
Click these buttons to apply bold, italics and underline text styles to a previously-selected block of text, or to use this new style beginning at the current cursor location.
Inserts the %date% macro into your text box. HyperSnap expands this macro to the current date at the moment you use this stamp.
Inserts the %time% macro into your text box. HyperSnap expands this macro to the current time at the moment you use this stamp.
Inserts the %file% macro into your text box. HyperSnap expands this macro to the file name of the image, on which you insert this stamp (for example, Snap023.bmp).
Inserts the %path% macro into your text box. HyperSnap expands this macro to the full path and file name of the image, on which you insert this stamp (for example, C:ImagesSnap097.bmp).
Inserts the %uname% macro into your text box. HyperSnap expands this macro to the name of the user logged into Windows when you use this stamp.
Use this text…
Check to use the text on the stamp. If you clear this box, the text remains in the stamp definition file, but when you preview or insert the stamp, the text is not used.
Text edit box
Enter text here. You can apply different fonts, colors, and formatting to any text fragment, as in a word processor.