This manual/online help was updated to Version 7 by Carole Hall, MA Instructional Technology. Carole worked in Silicon Valley for several decades, both as a technical writer and trainer, and as a technical communication instructor at S.F. Bay area universities. She is also a long-time HyperSnap user.
Currently a contract writer/editor and trainer, she offers these services through her company, HallTech. Email her at for contracting information.
Many thanks to all HyperSnap users who helped with beta-testing of version 7, suggesting new features and enhancements, often working to develop better icons for the product and donating their time and enthusiasm in countless other ways. You can still find their posts at Hyperionics, in the “HyperSnap Feedback and Beta Tests” section – among them Tony “Simicro”, Nick “aoz”, Don, Alexander, Thomas “the lesser admin”, Carole, and others. Thank you, I could not make it without you!